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Huntsville Spikefest – June 26, 2022

Do you have the biggest and best spike in town? Come show off your skills at the Men’s and Women’s Double’s Spikefest. Grab your loyal partner, best friend, or someone you have never met and sign up! We will provide the music, balls, and fun. Payout $300 for first place in Open Division. Entry fee back for second place in Open. A and B Divisions’ first and second place prizes will be awarded.


  1. Men’s Open: 12 max
  2. Women’s Open: 12 max
  3. Men’s A: 10 max
  4. Women’s A: 10 max
  5. Men’s B: 10 max
  6. Women’s B: 10 max

*Note: If a division does not fill, then more teams from waitlist may be allowed into another division.